Eucharistic Adoration is time devoted to intimate and deep prayer before Our Lord in His real sacramental Presence. It is our pious and devout adoration of Our Savior, Who is truly present in the Eucharistic Host.
As Catholics know, it is the infallible teaching of Holy Mother Church that the bread and wine consecrated at Mass each become and remain the Sacred Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, when we pray before the Eucharistic Host during Eucharistic Adoration, either in a monstrance or in the tabernacle, we are praying before Our Lord Himself.
There are no set prayers during Adoration. People can pray the Rosary, the Stations of the Cross, the Litany of the Sacred Heart, practice mental prayer, follow prayers from the traditional ‘Forty Hours’ Devotion, offer an Hour of Reparation or even render their own personal prayers. One should make the effort to include prayers of adoration and praise, of thanksgiving, of reparation, and of intercession.
Unless any of these devotions are formally organized, one should pray silently so as to render respect to His Divine Majesty and out of consideration for others who are adoring Our Lord.