The Parish of St. Joseph pledges its commitment to solid and enduring programs and policies that:
Protect children, young people and all in situations of vulnerability.
Heal the hearts and hopes of all affected
Foster ongoing vigilance in education
In this way, we reach out with pastoral intention and compassion to aid in the spiritual and emotional care of all God’s children.
The program in use by the Diocese of Reno to train all clergy, religious, employees and volunteers is Virtus and all must be registered to participate in any way and in any activity in our Parish family. All those whose ministry or job involves interacting with minors must be fingerprinted and participate in a Safe Environment training course every five years. The course teaches individuals how to recognize, prevent and report suspected abuse prior to beginning their employment or volunteer work. As a result of the diligent work and dedication of our volunteers, staff and clergy who actively participate in the Safe Environment program, we are able to create the safest possible environment for everyone at St. Joseph's and for that, we are truly grateful. For further information, please consult with the Diocese of Reno link below.
St Joseph's Safe Environment Officer is Gema Zataray - 775-738-6432